пятница, 29 ноября 2013 г.

“Qalim”-payment for a Karalpak bride

“Qalim”-payment for a Karalpak bride
Like most of the Asian nations, Karakalpaks also has a tradition of paying for the bride a particular amount of money or some other valuable things. This payment is called “Qalim” in Karakalpak language and it is usually paid by the groom’s parents to the bride’s parents.

Let’s begin from the beginning. To get married is one of the most important and difficult tasks of a Karakalpak guy. A boy who is in love with a girl should firstly gain her heart. And everybody knows how it is difficultJ. When he persuades the girl he should inform his parents that he wants to get married. Then the guy’s parents send their representatives to the girl’s home to get her parent’s agreement on the wedding. Those representatives are called “Sawshilar” and they should be very responsib
le. When the sawshilar get the agreement of the girl's parents they will be told about the amount of the traditional payment for the future bride. Of course the girl’s parents ask for much more than the usual amount. The representatives should try to persuade them to agree with as less as they can.

In the past, the payment Qalim was paid with horses, camels, bull, sheep and goats or other valuable things. But in modern weddings, as a result of developing and modern society, Qalim is paid in cash. Nowadays it has an average amount of 8 million Uzbek soms ($4000). However giving some cattle as a present for the future bride’s family is still partly present. Besides that the groom must give some presents to the bride’s parents and other family members. Then groom must buy different clothes and jewelries for his bride. And then the groom and his parents may begin to prepare for the long lasting wedding. But it is another part J.

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